

Data about your buying habits is considered the holy grail of ad targeting: your purchases can leak a veritable treasure trove of data about you. 不幸的是,目前的金融體系在設計上不利隱私,使銀行、其他公司和政府能夠輕鬆追蹤交易。 然而,在私下付款方面,您有很多選擇。


幾個世紀以來, 現金 一直是私人支付的主要形式。 Cash has excellent privacy properties in most cases, is widely accepted in most countries, and is fungible, meaning it is non-unique and completely interchangeable.

現金支付法因國家而異。 在美國,超過 10,000 美元的現金支付需要在 IRS 申報 表格8300。 收款業必須驗證收款人的姓名、地址、職業、出生日期、社會安全號碼或其他TIN (部分例外)。 Regulated exchanges, banks, and money services businesses must collect an ID for transactions exceeding $3,000. Cash contains serial numbers to assist law enforcement in targeted investigations.

Despite the above, cash is typically the best option when available.

預付卡 & 禮品卡

You can easily purchase gift cards and prepaid cards at most grocery stores and convenience stores with cash. 禮品卡通常不收取費用,但預付卡通常會收取費用,因此請留意其費用和到期日期。 Some stores may ask to see your ID at checkout in an effort to reduce fraud.

禮品卡通常每張上限為 200美元,有些禮品卡上限到 2,000 美元。 預付卡(例如: Visa 或 Mastercard )通常卡片額度為 1,000 美元。

禮品卡的缺點是受商家政策的約束,這些政策可能有糟糕的條款和限制。 例如,有些商家不接受禮品卡付款,或者對高風險用戶取消禮品卡的價值。 一旦您拿了由商家信用擔保的禮品卡,商家就會對這筆金額有強烈的控制權。

Prepaid cards usually don’t allow cash withdrawals from ATMs or “peer-to-peer” payments in Venmo and similar apps.

對於大多數人來說,現金仍然是現場購物的最佳選擇。 Gift cards are often sold at a discount, which make them attractive. 預付卡適用於不接受現金的地方。 網路中禮品卡和預付卡比現金更容易使用,也更容易透過加密貨幣獲得。


如果您有 加密貨幣,可在線禮品卡市場購買禮品卡。 Some of these services offer high limits (with ID verification), but they usually allow basic, low-limit accounts with just an email address. Expect limits under $10,000 for basic accounts and significantly higher limits for ID verified accounts (if offered).

在網上購買禮品卡時,通常會有小折扣。 預付卡通常以面值或收取服務費在網上銷售。 If you buy prepaid cards and gift cards with cryptocurrencies, you should strongly prefer to pay with Monero which provides strong privacy (more on this below). 使用可追溯的付款方式支付禮物卡,取消了用現金或 Monero 購買禮品卡的隱私優點。


另一種保護個資免受線上商家侵害的方法是使用虛擬的一次性卡片,以掩蓋您的實際銀行或帳單資訊。 這可對付商家數據洩露,營銷機構粗糙的跟蹤或購買聯結以及線上資料盜竊。 無法完全匿名您的購買行為,也不能對金融機構隱瞞自身的資訊。 發行虛擬卡的常規金融機構受「瞭解您的客戶」( KYC )法律約束,這意味著您需要提供身份證明文件或其他識別信息。



加密貨幣是一種數位形式的貨幣,其設計上沒有中央機構如政府或銀行即自行運作。 While some cryptocurrency projects can allow you to make private transactions online, many use a transparent blockchain which does not provide any transaction privacy. Cryptocurrencies also tend to be very volatile assets, meaning their value can change rapidly and significantly. 因此,不建議加密貨幣作為長期價值儲存。 如果決定使用加密貨幣,請確保已充分了解其隱私,且投資金額不會變成災難性損失。

Danger "危險"

The vast majority of cryptocurrencies operate on a transparent blockchain, meaning that every transaction's details are public knowledge. This includes most well-known cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. 加密貨幣的交易不應被視為私密,也不會保護您的匿名性。

此外,許多(如果不是大多數)加密貨幣都是騙局。 只用你信任的項目小心進行交易。 Transactions are irreversible and do not include any consumer protections.


有許多加密貨幣聲稱通過匿名交易來提供隱私。 建議探用 預設為匿名交易的工具,以避免操作時發生錯誤。

隱私硬幣受到政府機構日益嚴格的監管。 In 2020, the IRS published a $625,000 bounty for tools which can trace (at least to some extent) Bitcoin Lightning Network and/or Monero transactions. They ultimately paid two companies (Chainalysis and Integra Fec) a combined $1.25 million to further develop tools to do so. Due to the secrecy surrounding tools like these, none of these methods of tracing cryptocurrencies have been independently confirmed. However, it is quite likely that tools which assist targeted investigations into private coin transactions exist, and that privacy coins in their current form only succeed in thwarting mass surveillance.


The vast majority of cryptocurrency projects use a transparent blockchain, meaning that all transactions are both easily traceable and permanent. 因此,我們強烈不鼓勵把加密貨幣用和隱私相關的事物上。

Anonymous transactions on a transparent blockchain are theoretically possible, and the Bitcoin wiki gives one example of a "completely anonymous" transaction. However, this example requires a complicated setup involving Tor and "solo-mining" a block to generate completely independent cryptocurrency, a practice which has not been practical (even for enthusiasts) for many years.

= =您最好還是完全避免這些加密貨幣,並堅持使用預設隱私的加密貨幣。嘗試使用其他加密貨幣超出了本網站的範圍,非常不建議。


With cryptocurrency there are two forms of wallets: custodial wallets and self-custody wallets. 託管錢包由集中式公司/交易所運營,錢包的私鑰由該公司持有,您可以使用用戶名和密碼從任何地方存取。 Self-custody wallets are wallets where you control and manage the private keys to access it. Assuming you keep your wallet's private keys secured and backed up, self-custody wallets provide greater security and censorship-resistance over custodial wallets, because your cryptocurrency can't be stolen or frozen by a company with custody over your private keys. 金鑰保管在隱私貨幣上尤其重要:保管錢包使運營公司能夠查看您的交易,否定了這些加密貨幣的隱私優勢。


私下收購 Monero 等加密貨幣可能很困難。 P2P 市場(促進人與人之間交易的平台)是一種選擇,但使用者體驗通常會受到影響。 如果使用需要 KYC 的交易所對您來說是可以接受的,只要後續交易無法被追蹤,那麼在集中式交易所購買 Monero 或從 KYC 交易所購買 Bitcoin/Litecoin,然後再換成 Monero 會容易得多。 之後,您就可以將購買的 Monero 提領到自己的自我保管錢包中,從此開始私下使用。

推薦購買 Monero 的地方

如果您走這條路線,請確保在不同的時間購買 Monero,且購買的金額與您要花費的地方不同。 如果您在交易所購買了 5000 美元的 Monero,一小時後再購買 5000 美元的 Monero,無論 Monero 走的是哪一條路,這些行為都有可能被外部觀察者相關聯。 錯開來購買,預先購買較大數量的 Monero,之後再花在多筆較小的交易上,可以避免這個陷阱。


使用現金現場付款時,請務必謹記現場隱私。 安全攝影機無處不在。 不妨考慮穿著不顯眼的衣服和口罩(如外科口罩或N95 )。 請勿註冊獎勵計劃或提供自己的相關資訊。

在網上購買時,理想情況下應該透過 Tor進行。 但是,許多商家不允許使用 Tor 購買。 可以考慮使用 推薦的 VPN (使用現金、禮品卡或 Monero 支付),或利用咖啡店或圖書館免費 Wi-Fi 購買。 如果你訂購的是實體物品,則需要提供送遞地址。 您應該考慮使用郵政信箱、私人郵箱或工作地址。


此處的內容並非法律或財務建議。 我們不贊同或鼓勵非法活動,也不贊同或鼓勵任何違反公司服務條款的行為。 請向專業人員查詢,確認這些建議在您的司法管轄區是否合法和可用。 查看所有聲明.

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