

捐款給 Privacy Guides,支持我們捍衛數位權利、宣傳大規模監控計畫及其他日常隱私侵犯行為的使命。 您可以幫助 Privacy Guides 的研究人員、活動人士和維護者建立資訊豐富的內容、託管私人數位服務,並在世界最需要的時候保護隱私權。

五年多來,Privacy Guides 不斷努力跟上網路安全與隱私權的世界,並推廣隱私權的整體好處。 這是一個非營利、社群推動的專案,沒有所有貢獻者的慷慨支持是無法完成的。


MAGIC Grants is our fiscal host, and their custom, open-source donation platform allows you to donate to our project with Monero, Bitcoin, or debit/credit card.

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Donating with Monero will maximize your donation by lowering our transaction fees while simultaneously preserving your privacy, win-win! You can also donate to us via GitHub Sponsors if you prefer, or if you would like to publicize your support. GitHub does not charge us any fees if you donate as an individual, but may charge us fees if you donate with a GitHub organization, if this is a concern for you.


Privacy Guides is a non-profit project. Your donation will go to a dedicated fund within MAGIC Grants, a 501(c)(3) organization and our fiscal host. The funds will only be used for this project specifically.

您可獲得減稅資格。 When you donate to us here with cryptocurrency or card you have the option to receive a receipt from MAGIC Grants for this purpose. If you have questions about other transactions please email info@magicgrants.org.


網站託管 :

本網站的流量每月使用大約是數百 GB,我們使用各種服務提供商來提供流量。

薪資 :

We are endeavoring to hire full-time journalists and writers to review products and create more educational content on a regular basis.

網域註冊 :

我們有一些域名,例如 privacyguides.org,每年的註冊費用約為 10 美元。

線上服務 :

我們託管網路服務,以測試和展示我們喜歡和推薦的不同隱私權產品。 其中有些是公開提供給我們的社群使用 (SearXNG、Tor 等),有些則是提供給我們的團隊成員 (電子郵件等)。

產品購買 :

我們偶爾會購買產品和服務,以測試我們的 推薦工具

Thank you to all those who support our mission!

We strictly cannot use donations to support political campaigns/candidates or attempt to influence legislation. Earnings also will not inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.


Another option to support us is by buying our merchandise from HelloTux. We get a small commission for each item sold, and you get a quality product to show for it.

Buy on HelloTux.com


It takes a lot of people and work to keep Privacy Guides up to date and spread the word about privacy and mass surveillance. If you're looking for other ways to help out, consider getting involved by editing the site, joining our forum, or contributing translations.


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