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Alternative Distributions

Protects against the following threat(s):

A custom Android-based operating system (sometimes referred to as a custom ROM) can be a way to achieve a higher level of privacy and security on your device. This is in contrast to the "stock" version of Android which comes with your phone from the factory, and is often deeply integrated with Google Play Services as well as other vendor software.

We recommend installing GrapheneOS if you have a Google Pixel as it provides improved security hardening and additional privacy features. The reasons we don't list other operating systems or devices are as follows:

  • They often have weaker security.
  • Support is frequently dropped when the maintainer loses interest or upgrades their device, which is in contrast to the predictable support cycle that GrapheneOS follows.
  • They generally have few or no notable privacy or security improvements that make installing them worthwhile.


Логотип GrapheneOS Логотип GrapheneOS

GrapheneOS - лучший выбор, когда речь идет о конфиденциальности и безопасности.

GrapheneOS provides additional security hardening and privacy improvements. It has a hardened memory allocator, network and sensor permissions, and various other security features. GrapheneOS also comes with full firmware updates and signed builds, so verified boot is fully supported.


GrapheneOS supports sandboxed Google Play, which runs Google Play Services fully sandboxed like any other regular app. This means you can take advantage of most Google Play Services, such as push notifications, while giving you full control over their permissions and access, and while containing them to a specific work profile or user profile of your choice.

Google Pixel phones are the only devices that currently meet GrapheneOS's hardware security requirements.

By default, Android makes many network connections to Google to perform DNS connectivity checks, to sync with current network time, to check your network connectivity, and for many other background tasks. GrapheneOS replaces these with connections to servers operated by GrapheneOS and subject to their privacy policy. This hides information like your IP address from Google, but means it is trivial for an admin on your network or ISP to see you are making connections to grapheneos.network, grapheneos.org, etc. and deduce what operating system you are using.

If you want to hide information like this from an adversary on your network or ISP, you must use a trusted VPN in addition to changing the connectivity check setting to Standard (Google). It can be found in ⚙ SettingsNetwork & internetInternet connectivity checks. This option allows you to connect to Google's servers for connectivity checks, which, alongside the usage of a VPN, helps you blend in with a larger pool of Android devices.


Важно отметить, что мы не связаны с каким-либо проектом, который мы рекомендуем. В дополнение к нашим стандартным критериям, мы разработали чёткий набор требований, обеспечивающий объективность наших рекомендаций. Перед тем, как вы решите выбрать какой-либо проект, мы рекомендуем вам ознакомиться со списком критериев и провести собственное исследование, чтобы убедиться в правильности своего выбора.

  • Должна иметь открытый исходный код.
  • Должна поддерживать блокировку загрузчика с использованием кастомного ключа AVB.
  • Должна получать основные обновления Android в течение 0-1 месяца после релиза.
  • Должна получать обновления функций Android (минорные версии) в течение 0-14 дней после релиза.
  • Должна регулярно получать патчи безопасности в течение 0-5 дней после релиза.
  • По умолчанию root-доступ должен быть выключен.
  • По умолчанию Google Play Services должны быть выключены.
  • Система должна быть совместима с Google Play Services без необходимости в дополнительных модификациях.
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