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Support our mission to defend digital rights and spread the word about mass surveillance programs and other daily privacy invasions. You can help Privacy Guides researchers, activists, and maintainers create informative content, host private digital services, and protect privacy rights at a time when the world needs it most.

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MAGIC Grants is our fiscal host, and their custom, open-source donation platform allows you to donate to our project with Monero, Bitcoin, or debit/credit card. You can also donate using GitHub Sponsors.

Foundations & Organizations

Thank you to these organizations who significantly support Privacy Guides.

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Thank you to these organizations who have substantially supported our project in the past.

Active Members

Privacy Guides would not be possible without these individuals who generously donate on a monthly or yearly basis.

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This is a list of our **active** [members](, plus donors on GitHub, who have chosen to make their donation public. Hundreds more have donated in the past or privately, and their support is hugely appreciated as well.


You can support us and share your passion for privacy by buying our merchandise from HelloTux.

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Non-Financial Support

It takes a lot of people and work to keep Privacy Guides up to date and spread the word about privacy and mass surveillance. If you're looking for other ways to help out, consider getting involved by editing the site, joining our forum, or contributing translations.


What is an organizational membership?

Organizational membership to Privacy Guides is open to any company, private foundation, or organization that donates at least $5,000 per year. While Privacy Guides does not endorse private companies or their products, we're grateful for their contributions. Your donation may be tax-deductible, and we will provide you with a receipt.

You can become an organizational member by reaching out to for more information.

How are organizational members recognized?

Organizational members that choose to be recognized publicly are included in our organizational members section (above), and occasionally at other opportunities where appropriate. Organizational member links include the rel="nofollow" attribute: We adopted this policy to screen out potential abuse of our program and site to raise the rank of third parties in search algorithms. Unfortunately, this is a growing problem for nonprofits. This was a complex decision since we know many of the sincere supporters behind these companies, but we decided that it was the best choice for us.

Organizational members have no ability to influence what content is recommended on the Privacy Guides website. Learn more about our donation acceptance policy.

What is an active membership?

Your monthly or yearly membership sustains Privacy Guides's services and public activism for privacy and cybersecurity year round. If you become a member, we will recognize your support here on our website, our community forum, and occasionally in other areas like our videos if you choose to make your membership publicly known.

Our membership program is brand new, and we are still exploring other ways that we can share a token of our appreciation with you, while maintaining sustainable and ethical boundaries. Stay tuned!

How does Privacy Guides use donations?

Privacy Guides has been a nonstop effort for over 5 years to stay up to date with the world of cybersecurity and privacy, and to promote the benefits of privacy overall. This is a non-profit, community-driven project that would not be possible without the generous support of all our contributors, in addition to our regularly donating members above.

Your donation go to a dedicated fund within MAGIC Grants, a 501(c)(3) organization and our fiscal host. The funds will only be used for this project specifically.

You may qualify for a tax deduction. When you donate to us here with cryptocurrency or card you have the option to receive a receipt from MAGIC Grants for this purpose. If you have questions about other transactions please email

Utilizziamo le donazioni per svariati scopi, tra cui:


We have journalists, writers, and video creators on payroll to review products and create more educational content on a regular basis. This is a significant expense, and we are only able to create our quantity of content with your support.

Web Hosting and Infrastructure

Traffic to this website uses hundreds of gigabytes of data per month; we use a variety of service providers to keep up with this traffic.

Servizi Online

We host internet services for testing and showcasing different privacy-products we like and recommend. Some of them are made publicly available for our community's use (SearXNG, Tor, etc.), and some are provided for our team members (email, etc.).

Acquisti di Prodotti

Occasionalmente, acquistiamo prodotti e servizi allo scopo di testare i nostri strumenti consigliati.

Thank you to all those who support our mission! :material-heart:{ .pg-red }

We strictly do not use donations to support political campaigns/candidates or attempt to influence legislation. Earnings will not inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

*[2FA] (A2F): Autenticazione a 2 Fattori *[ADB]: Android Debug Bridge *[AOSP]: Android Open Source Project *[ATA]: Allegato tecnologico avanzato *[superficie di attacco]: Il numero totale di possibili punti d'ingresso per l'accesso non autorizzato a un sistema *[AVB]: Android Verified Boot *[cgroups]: Gruppo di Controllo *[CLI]: Interfaccia a linea di comando *[CSV]: Comma-Separated Values *[CVE]: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures *[dark pattern]: A deceptive design pattern intended to trick a user into doing things *[funzione di eredità digitale]: Digital Legacy si riferisce a funzioni che consentono di dare ad altre persone l'accesso ai propri dati quando si muore *[DNSSEC]: Domain Name System Security Extensions *[DNS]: Domain Name System *[DoH]: DNS over HTTPS *[DoQ]: DNS over QUIC *[DoH3]: DNS over HTTP/3 *[DoT]: DNS over TLS *[DPI]: Deep Packet Inspection identifies and blocks packet with specific payloads *[E2EE]: Crittografia/Crittografato end-to-end *[ECS]: Sottorete client EDNS *[EEA]: Spazio economico europeo *[entropy]: Una misura dell'imprevedibilità di qualcosa *[EOL]: Fine del Supporto *[Exif]: Exchangeable image file format *[FCM]: Firebase Cloud Messaging *[FDE]: Crittografia Completa del Disco *[FIDO]: Fast Identity Online *[FS]: Forward Secrecy *[fork]: Un nuovo progetto basato su un altro progetto già esistente con l'aggiunta di elementi indipendenti *[GDPR]: Regolamento generale per la protezione dei dati personali *[GPG]: GNU Privacy Guard (implementazione PGP) *[GPS]: Global Positioning System *[GUI]: Interfaccia grafica utente *[GnuPG]: GNU Privacy Guard (implementazione PGP) *[HDD]: Hard Disk Drive *[HOTP]: HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) basato su One-Time Password *[HTTPS]: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure *[HTTP]: Hypertext Transfer Protocol *[hypervisor]: Software, firmware o hardware per computer che suddivide le risorse di una CPU tra più sistemi operativi *[ICCID]: Integrated Circuit Card Identifier *[IMAP]: Internet Message Access Protocol *[IMEI]: International Mobile Equipment Identity *[IMSI]: International Mobile Subscriber Identity *[IP]: Internet Protocol *[IPv4]: Internet Protocol versione 4 *[IPv6]: Internet Protocol versione 6 *[ISP]: Fornitore di servizi Internet *[ISPs]: Fornitori di servizi Internet *[JNI]: Java Native Interface *[KYC]: Conosci Il Tuo Cliente *[LLaVA]: Large Language and Vision Assistant (multimodal AI model) *[LLMs]: Large Language Models (AI models such as ChatGPT) *[LUKS]: Linux Unified Key Setup (Crittografia dell'intero disco) *[MAC]: Media Access Control *[MDAG]: Microsoft Defender Application Guard *[MEID]: Mobile Equipment Identifier *[MFA]: Autenticazione a più fattori *[NVMe]: Nonvolatile Memory Express *[NAT]: Traduzione degli indirizzi di rete *[NAT-PMP]: Protocollo di mappatura delle porte NAT *[NTP]: Network Time Protocol *[OCI]: Open Container Initiative *[OCSP]: Online Certificate Status Protocol *[OEM]: Produttore di apparecchiature originali *[OEMs]: Produttori di apparecchiature originali *[open-weights]: An open weights-model is an AI model that anyone can download and use, but for which the underlying training data and/or algorithms are proprietary. *[OS]: Sistema Operativo *[OTP]: Password monouso *[OTPs]: Password monouso *[OpenPGP]: Open-source implementation of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) *[P2P]: Peer-to-Peer *[PAM]: Linux Pluggable Authentication Modules *[POP3]: Post Office Protocol 3 *[PGP]: Pretty Good Privacy (vedi OpenPGP) *[PII]: Personally Identifiable Information *[QNAME]: Qualified Name *[QUIC]: A network protocol based on UDP, but aiming to combine the speed of UDP with the reliability of TCP. *[rate limits]: Rate limits are restrictions that a service imposes on the number of times a user can access their services within a specified period of time. *[rolling release]: Aggiornamenti che vengono rilasciati frequentemente anziché a intervalli prestabiliti *[RSS]: Really Simple Syndication *[SELinux]: Security-Enhanced Linux *[SIM]: Subscriber Identity Module *[SMS]: Short Message Service (messaggi di testo standard) *[SMTP]: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol *[SNI]: Server Name Indication *[SSD]: Solid-State Drive *[SSH]: Secure Shell *[SUID]: Set Owner User ID *[SaaS]: Software as a Service (software cloud) *[SoC]: System on Chip *[SSO]: Single sign-on *[system prompt]: The system prompt of an AI chat is the general instructions given by a human to guide how it should operate. *[temperature]: AI temperature is a parameter used in AI models to control the level of randomness and creativity in the generated text. *[TCP]: Transmission Control Protocol *[TEE]: Trusted Execution Environment *[TLS]: Transport Layer Security *[ToS]: Termini di Servizio *[TOTP]: Password monouso a scadenza *[TPM]: Trusted Platform Module *[U2F]: Universal 2nd Factor *[UEFI]: Unified Extensible Firmware Interface *[UDP]: User Datagram Protocol *[VPN]: Rete virtuale privata *[VLAN]: Virtual Local Area Network *[VoIP]: Voice over IP (Internet Protocol) *[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium *[XMPP]: Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol *[PWA]: Progressive Web App
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