Gestion des photos
Protects against the following threat(s):
Most cloud photo management solutions like Google Photos, Flickr, and Amazon Photos don't secure your photos against being accessed by the cloud storage provider themselves. Ces options préservent la confidentialité de vos photos personnelles, tout en vous permettant de ne les partager qu'avec votre famille et des personnes de confiance.
Ente Photos
Ente Photos is an end-to-end encrypted photo backup service which supports automatic backups on iOS and Android. Their code is fully open-source, both on the client side and on the server side. It is also self-hostable. The free plan offers 5 GB of storage as long as you use the service at least once a year.
Ente Photos underwent an audit by Cure53 in March 2023 and by Fallible in April 2023.
Stingle is a gallery and camera application with built-in, end-to-end encrypted backup and sync functionality for your photos and videos. Storage starts at 1 GB for free accounts on their cloud, or you can host your own Stingle API server for total independence.
PhotoPrism is a self-hostable platform for managing photos. It supports album syncing and sharing as well as a variety of other features. It does not include E2EE, so it's best hosted on a server that you trust and is under your control.
Please note we are not affiliated with any of the projects we recommend. In addition to our standard criteria, we have developed a clear set of requirements to allow us to provide objective recommendations. Nous vous suggérons de vous familiariser avec cette liste avant de choisir d'utiliser un projet, et de mener vos propres recherches pour vous assurer que c'est le bon choix pour vous.
Exigences minimales
- Cloud-hosted providers must enforce end-to-end encryption.
- Doit avoir une offre gratuite ou une période d'essai pour les tests.
- Must support TOTP or FIDO2 multifactor authentication, or passkey logins.
- Doit offrir une interface web prennant en charge les fonctionnalités de base de gestion des fichiers.
- Doit permettre d'exporter facilement tous les fichiers/documents.
- Doit être open-source.
Dans le meilleur des cas
- Devrait disposer d'un audit publié par une tierce partie indépendante et réputée.
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